Wednesday, July 25, 2012

All finished!

I am FINISHED!!! I thought it would take me longer but with yesterday and today I completed it in four days! I actually didn't have many other options as I'm loading up a Uhaul on Saturday and moving down to Pocatello. And since all the equipment to do this project is at my mother-in-laws, if I hadn't finished it this week it never would've got done.

So, I know you must be SUPER curious on how things went these past two days so let me fill you in.

 First off, I had to put the wheels on. I thought it would be more difficult than it was but I got them attached in less than 10 minutes. Then after that, we moved on to paint... let's just say I was hesitant to do so with a 2 year old. Not that I had any other choice.
At first my thinking was, "I'll just give Sawyer a cup and a little foam brush, he can't do much damage with that, right?" I was pretty proud of myself for this idea. Even if he painted on the cart, I could just use my paint brush to even it all out. Plus, we were outside... nothing he can hurt with paint, right? Wrong on all accounts.

First off, Sawyer was more than excited to paint the side of the cart for a little bit. He was actually, beyond thrilled since he NEVER gets to paint. This whole summer I've been painting and it's always been NO! However, he quickly realized that there was a lot more to paint. The picnic table, the house, the trees, the dog. Yes, the dog. Sawyer was adamant that Iris needed to be a healthy shade of baby blue instead of her white. Luckily, the dog is faster than him and I was quick to spot him heading off to paint the dog.

So, as if it wasn't enough that he wanted to paint the dog, the part of the cart he did paint dried much faster than I thought it would. Is that a problem? Yes, when your son has left large globs all over the side of the cart. Luckily (If you can call this luck) I was able to sand it out before I did the next layer. It's not perfect but it's not to the point that it would ever bother me.

I had meant to take a picture of Sawyer in all his painted glory but I kind of forgot in the race to clean him up before he started touching furniture.

Next step, the letters.  Which, I thought would be the easiest step but I forgot that I had a 2 year old.
 Those letters, literally, gave me heart palpitations. After spending way too much time at the craft store I settled on a pack of these letters. I didn't even pause to think that they were the last ones in case I needed another pack.

After painting them, while Sawyer watched in sheer agony that he wasn't allowed to paint these, I did the annoying task of spacing them just right. Once I was done with that I got the glue.... curse you glue and all your stick glory. Everything was going just fine, great, actually. Then my mother-in-law called me over to help her out on a project of her own.

Did it even cross my mind that leaving my 2 year old with my one and only set of letters and a bottle of glue would turn out disastrous? Obviously from my line of questioning, I did not.

After a couple of minutes I turned around to see Sawyer pouring out the glue all over the letters, even the ones I had already glued on. Glue was EVERYWHERE!!! After racing the un-glued letters to the sink, I was able to wash off the glue, and most of the paint (sigh). Thankfully, Meg was able to get most of the glue off of the letters already on the cart and with the help of a few q-tips I was able to get it all cleaned up.

After that I decided that even though Sawyer had not had dinner yet, it was time for a popsicle.

Then, with a few more q-tips, I was able to, painstakingly, repaint the letters and get the rest glued on. And, as we can see from the finished project, it looks quite nice.

A few books, a couple baskets, a stuffed animal and a posing child makes it look even better.
 Is it wrong to be in love with a craft project?

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